Sunday, December 27, 2015

The Blessings of Christmas

My apologies for not posting the last few days...  I love, love, love Christmas and all its surrounding excitement, but despite my resolutions each year to have everything taken care of a few days before Christmas arrives, what generally happens is that I over plan, over do, over book, and of course over spend, I still find myself stressed to the max and not enough hours, minutes, and even seconds in the day.  This year was no different, and so some of the fallout of that is that I simply did not have the energy to post until tonight!  So, please forgive me, and enjoy a quick recap of the past few days...

Christmas Eve day was awesome, but it was planned down to the very second of its entirety!  So the first thing I am grateful for is the fact that I had the strength and energy to not only get through it, but to enjoy it as well.  Also, I am grateful for the Lord's tender mercies along the way that allowed everything to fall into place.  Some of the highlights of the day included:  Rejoicing that Kneaders hadn't sold all of their gingerbread men cookies, buying a loaf of cinnamon bread for a perfect stranger because she noticed that I was in a hurry and she let me go ahead of her in the line, delivering gifts with Blaine and Ty to neighbors and friends, last minute shopping at the mall, the annual Milne Family Christmas party with Santa himself, our Christmas Eve dinner with Rod and Bobbi Allen - our dear, dear friends that are more like our parents, and wrapping presents until 1:00 am while listening to Christmas music.  

Every year we have a gathering with the Milne Clan on Christmas Eve day where we all bring our own food, and get to meet Santa with his bag full of gifts for all the kids.  It is always so fun to visit with family members and watch the joy and excitement of the kids as they sit on Santa's lap and unwrap their gifts!  I cannot believe that my baby is now 15, but he still loves to sit on Santa's lap.

Even our newly called missionary - Carter enjoys sitting on Santa's lap!

Dallin does too!

My three sons have been really good this year Santa!

Blaine and I, on the other hand, just might be on your naughty list!

Here's the whole crew!  Thanks for the picture Becca!

Glenda Gai kissing Santa Clause and it is not her husband Scott...  What do you think?  Is she naughty or nice, Santa?  Thanks Glenda for always planning a terrific Milne Christmas Eve Party!

The only real regret that I have from Christmas Eve is not taking more pictures.  I hate that I didn't take any pictures at the Allen's.  I had prepared bbq ribs, baked potatoes, corn, rolls, and baked beans to take to their home, and Bobbi provided a yummy salad and an incredibly delicious apple cake with a warm sauce and whipped cream.  It was all so good.  Rod gave a beautiful prayer on the meal and in commemoration of the birth of our Savior and the birthday of the prophet Joseph Smith.  The Spirit was so strong.  We enjoyed our dinner and then we watched a movie called the Magic of Belle Isle starring Morgan Freeman (one of my favorite actors).  If you haven't seen it - you must!  It is a really touching movie and highlights so many wonderful life lessons!

This lantern is similar to the one that we gave to the Allen's.  It symbolizes the light that they are in our lives.  I attached a copy of the Hymn: Brightly Beams Our Father's Mercy

Brightly beams our Father's mercy
From his lighthouse evermore,
But to us he gives the keeping 
Of the lights upon the shore.

Dark the night of sin has settled;
Loud the angry billows roar.
Eager eyes are watching, longing,
For the lights along the shore.

Trim your feeble lamp, my brother;
Some poor sailor, tempest-tossed,
Trying now to make the harbor,
In the darkness may be lost.

Let the lower lights be burning;
Send a gleam across the weave.
Some poor fainting, struggling seaman
You may rescue, you may save.

Thank you Rod and Bobbi for being our lights upon the shore!

Christmas morning...  Can you believe that we made the kids wait until 12 noon to open their gifts? We had to do some damage control with the house - dishes, de-cluttering, etc...  We also had a big breakfast and lots of discussion!

Not many gifts, but they were big!

Santa was good to all of us!

But this is the greatest gift of all!!!

After we finally opened all the gifts we loaded everything up and drove through the wintery white weather to Minersville.  It was a beautiful white Christmas.  Nanette and I were in charge of the dinner.  We decided to have a Mexican Christmas meal - Cafe Rio style salads and burritos, along with chips, salsa, guacamole, and fruit.  Mom and Raymond, Nanette's family, David's family, and our family enjoyed the evening together.  There is nothing better than being with family for Christmas!  Family is the next best Christmas gift!  I love, love, love, them!!!  Everyone watched the Joan of Arc movie on KBYU.  It is an excellent movie funded by the LDS Church.  Joan of Arc is absolutely inspiring.  Another must see!  We drove back to St. George late.  It was a wonderful Christmas day.  There were a few wrinkles in it, but that is for another time and a different venue.  I am grateful for the love of family and the manner in which the Spirit can heal hearts and repair relationships!

Saturday and Sunday were both days of rest and rejuvenation.  I went on a long hike Saturday afternoon and enjoyed some much needed alone time.  Although the wind was bitter cold, the sky was an incredible blue and the Dixie sun was shining.  It felt good to run, walk, climb, and breathe in the crisp air.  Sunday was a beautiful day of worship and rest.  Where would I be without the Sacrament each week?  It is like pushing the reset button. It never ceases to amaze me how life can seem so hard and overwhelming, but after attending church and feeling the Spirit everything becomes so much more manageable! Clarity of thought is actually restored, and faith is renewed!  I am so grateful for the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, and for the sweet and precious blessings of the Spirit!

Today's Verse to Ponderize:

2 Nephi 15:20

Wo unto them that call evil good, and good evil, that put darkness for light, and light for darkness, that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

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