Sunday, December 13, 2015

Super Sunday!

I absolutely love Sundays, especially those when I have all of my boys home.  Today was one of those Sundays.  It was such a treat because for Sacrament meeting today we were able to go to the Washington 3rd Ward and listen to Dallin speak with Brother Lang the high councilman that he has been assigned to.  We are learning that Dallin is a very gifted speaker.  He always gives excellent talks and does it so easily.  He never uses any notes, and his message is always powerful, real, and concise.  He quotes scriptures that he has memorized, shares personal stories, and quotes the prophets and apostles.  He has a strong testimony of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, and his love for the Savior is evident in the words that he shares and the Spirit which accompanies them.

My Handsome Son Dallin!

Today I was especially grateful for Dallin's talk.  He talked on the importance of having Christ in our Christmas by making time for Him.  He shared experiences from his mission of how he learned to place Christ at the center of his Christmas by serving others.  His first Christmas in Sweden he and his companion spent 5-6 hours doing service for a sister in their ward who was a widow and also a recent convert.  They shoveled snow, hung Christmas lights, washed dishes, and tidied up her home. She fixed them a Christmas meal of mashed potatoes and the equivalent of hamburger helper.  He said that this particular Christmas was not the typical Christmas that he was accustomed too, but it was the best Christmas he had experienced up to that point in his life.  The next Christmas in the mission field he and his companion set a goal leading up to December that they would find a way to serve a ward member in their area every day in the month of December.  He testified of how this service added tremendously to the Spirit of Christmas that he felt and how much he missed being a missionary.  He then challenged the congregation to find ways to put Christ back into their Christmas by serving those around them even if they were a complete stranger.  In closing he shared some counsel from President Monson from this month's Ensign:

In our busy lives, with ever so many other things competing for our attention, it is essential that we make a conscious, committed effort to bring Christ into our lives and into our homes. And it is vital that we, like the Wise Men from the East, remain fixed upon His star and “come to worship him.”

Down through the generations of time, the message from Jesus has been the same. To Peter and Andrew by the shores of Galilee, He said, “Follow me.” To Philip came the call, “Follow me.” To the Levite who sat at receipt of customs came the instruction, “Follow me.” And to you and to me, if we but listen, will come that same beckoning invitation: “Follow me.”
As we follow in His footsteps today and as we emulate His example, we will have opportunities to bless the lives of others. Jesus invites us to give of ourselves: “Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind.”

Is there someone for whom you should provide service this Christmas? Is there one who awaits your visit?
Dallin's words really touched my heart and I resolved to do all that I can to help facilitate the kind of Christmas season that will invite Christ into every moment of it.  Thank you Dallin for this beautiful reminder to take the time to make Christ the center of our Christmas and the center of our lives!

Another thing that I am grateful for today is Sunday dinner.  Sunday dinner has always been a big deal to me.  It is my favorite meal of the week.  This all started with my sweet Grandma Gillins. Without fail she would prepare a Sunday dinner that was not only huge but delicious as well. Nearly every Sunday as I was growing-up we hopped in the car and headed to Minersville after our church services. There would be times when we would fit all ten of us in the car to make the 20 minute drive. Seat belts weren't required back then and we were sometimes stacked three deep depending on what vehicle we were driving.  We were never disappointed with the dinner.  My Grandmother was an amazing cook! Today I cooked a meal similar to the ones she would prepare, and every Sunday I try to do the same.  Today's menu included:  Honey Glazed Ham, what we call Cheesy or Funeral potatoes, green salad, corn, a roll, and homemade banana cream pie for dessert.  What made the meal even better though was that we were all there.  I love sitting around the dinner table and listening to everyone talk about what's going on in their lives.  I am so grateful for this tradition! Thank you Grandma Gillins!


And finally, I am grateful for Family Home Evening.  We have ours on Sunday nights because that is when we can all get together.  We have been having Carter teach our lessons the past several weeks so he can better prepare for his mission.  He should have his call sometime this week - we are so excited.  He gave another awesome lesson.  He carried-on Dallin's theme of making Christ the center of our Christmas this year.  He showed a video and also accompanied us on the piano as we sang a hymn.  He shared his testimony of the importance of the things that he taught and then he had us all share our own thoughts.  Carter is going to be an incredible missionary!  I love the feeling in our home when Family Home Evening has ended and we are all preparing for bed.  There is so much love!  I will always be grateful for this inspired program of Family Home Evening.  We have been blessed in countless ways every time we have had it!

I love my family!

Today's Ponderize Verse:

O that thou hadst hearkened unto my commandments - then had thy peace been as a river, and thy righteousness as the waves of the sea.

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