Monday, December 14, 2015

Let Him In!

Today I am grateful for the way the day began.  Just as we were waking up Blaine grabbed the laptop next to the bed and found a song on YouTube that was sung at our ward Christmas party.  It was written by Michael McLean and is Called "Let Him In."  It is sung from the persona of the Inn Keeper in the Nativity or First Christmas story. He laments the fact that he did not let Mary and Joseph into the inn, but then he discovers that even though he turned them away the Savior still loves him and will be there for him as long as he will let Christ into his heart!  This song is a beautiful reminder to let the Savior into our lives, especially when we don't think we have room for Him.  This song is a great carry over from the lessons we were taught yesterday about making Christ the center of our Christmas and our lives.  Here is the link to the video:  He loves us so much, but we will never fully experience His divine love until we let Him into our hearts!  I am so glad that Blaine shared this with me this morning... It really set the tone for the rest of the day!

Luke 2:7

Turn off the "No Vacancy" sign in your heart and let Him in!

I am also grateful that I was able to spend some quality time with Blaine throughout the day.  We ran some errands together and then we went to drop a thank you gift off to Carmen Snow for helping Blaine and his High Priest Group Leadership with their Family History activity at the Covington Home.  Carmen wasn't home so we dropped her gift off next door to her parents' home - Grant and Grace Iverson.  What a treat that was to visit with them.  Grant is a 90 year old WWII Vet. Blaine asked him to share some of his experiences.  Boy his mind was sharp.  He took us way back to the war and his journeys with the Navy.  He started in San Francisco and soon found himself on the way to New Guinea and everywhere in between.  He talked about the horrific things that he witnessed and also the fun and exciting experiences he had.  We were amazed at the detail he included in his stories and we even were shown some pictures.  Both he and grace were so kind and they really lit up when they shared their memories.  It was such a sweet and tender visit.  We should all be forever grateful for these wonderful men and women who served our country during this crucial era in history.  We owe them so much!  I thought it very fitting that when Blaine and I returned home we turned on the TV and caught the ending of "A Few Good Men."  One of the all-time great movies - Powerful!  After dinner Blaine and I went and exercised and then we did the dishes together.  I made Ty his favorite night-time snack of Orange Julius and sent him to bed.  I did some laundry and then it was time to blog, and guess what?  I'm listening to "Let Him In."

Let Him in, let Him in, let the peace on earth begin... Let Him in, let Him in, let the joy and hope begin!  Let Him In!

Today's Ponderize Verse:

1 Nephi 21:23

...and thou shalt know that I am the Lord; for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me.

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